Improve HOA Membership with These 6 Tips

Improve HOA Membership with These 6 Tips
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Your HOA is only going to be as strong and successful as the people who participate and make up your group. Membership and ongoing participation will drive and grow the organization. To help explore areas of improvement within yours, today, we’ll offer invaluable tips to help you engage better and improve your HOA membership overall.

1. Educating & Onboarding New Homeowners

Consider putting together a welcome process for new homeowners. While they may already be invested in protecting and preserving their homes, they sometimes don’t see the value of the community. This welcome introduction timeline is the perfect time to educate new homeowners on the benefits of your HOA. The sooner you can begin educating, the sooner you can expect new homeowners to become active participants.

2. Equal Opportunity Participation

Everyone deserves the opportunity to participate at some level. For some HOAs, that means the newest neighbors. For others, it’s the neighborhood veterans who participate more. Don’t inadvertently assume that those who don’t jump in too frequently aren’t looking for something to do. Committees are always great ways to help delegate and share involvement. Keep asking all members about ideas and interests, especially at your annual meetings. Sometimes, people are just waiting for the right opportunity to get involved.

3. Shower Your Volunteers with Praise

Don’t be shy about recognizing your volunteer stars. Public acknowledgment of ongoing good deeds and volunteer efforts are always warranted. They’re also appreciated and tend to inspire continued participation and involvement. Thanking members also demonstrates your gratitude, a sentiment that tends to be positively contagious.

4. Don’t Fight the Digital Connection

It used to be that HOA members would thrive best in group settings and during get-togethers. But today’s environment is vastly different. Digital engagement is the key to enhancing your HOA membership participation and influence. Social interaction on screen is easy and widespread. Don’t fight it. Instead, look for ways to adopt those digital solutions that connect people. You can then use it to improve communication and connection within your group.

5. Always Find Ways to Have Fun

Times are changing. And what people consider fun can differ. But, in general, people will always participate when there’s something recreational and inviting to do. Keep your finger on the pulse of your HOA social calendar. Look for ways to try new events or celebrations. Think beyond the annual get-together, too. Maybe you can host a recipe swap or summer bags tournament. Some HOAs do BBQs for seasonal holiday decorating events. Of course, calendar holidays always present opportunities for something fun. Keep your members engaged and social with your own calendar of fun.

6. Committee Connections

There is a fine line between too many and not enough committees. Every HOA is different and will have to determine needs accordingly. But committees are great ways to include members and delegate responsibilities. It’s also a neat way to see what strengths you have among the ranks. Maybe you have social butterflies in your group who would be great heading up a Social Event Committee. Others might be more financially savvy and better suited on a Finance & Budget Committee. Have your garden gurus lead your Landscaping Committees. See if your attorney members would like to be a part of your Contract Review Committee. And Neighborhood Welcome Committees can be easy for almost anyone to join. Just remember to get creative based on your bench strength to keep your members engaged.

If you need help organizing your HOA or are looking for better ways to improve participation, you can always partner with the professionals. Contact PMI Louisville today to learn how our teams can bring the community involvement back to your organization.
